Vote For Recon - American Humane Hero Dog Awards - Service Dog

Our service dog team Recon & his handler Bobby have made it to the 2nd round for the 2022 American Humane Dog Awards - Service Dog of the Year.

I gave him the command to “Go Get Help” and he took off. In a short time, I heard a voice say “I have your dog. Are you hurt?” I truly believe Recon saved my life that day.

What we need from each of our great supporters is for you to vote daily for Bobby and Recon. This is a very special Service Dog team and they deserve the recognition for how Recon has given independence back to Bobby.



If you haven’t heard his story - Recon truly is a life-saver for Bobby!

Bobby Klepper & Recon 

Full Testimony

Recon is a yellow Labrador Retriever and has been my Service Dog since April 2021, and he has a been a life-changer for me. He is an amazing partner and helps me get through the day, every day.  Prior to becoming Recon's handler, my life was a mess. I struggled every day to cope with pain and tasks that most people don't even think about. My injuries incurred through many years in law enforcement have taken a toll on me. I was a search and recovery diver, Bomb Squad technician and breacher, and worked undercover. My TBI (traumatic brain injury) caused by years of repeated concussions from bomb blast waves has made me unstable. I constantly drop items. And I have reached a point where, when I drop something, I must lean against a wall, counter, chair, etc., to brace myself to pick it up, hoping I won't topple over.

Along with the physical toll is the psychological impact – I am not the same person everyone knew. I instructed countless up-and-coming LE trainees who look at me as the expert in our field, but now I cannot even bend over to tie my shoes. The effect on me is tremendously demoralizing.  

Since Recon has come into my life, everything has been better. Recon picks up dropped items and braces himself for me to lean on to regain my balance. Not only has Recon improved my mobility and stability, but he has also helped me regain my sense of purpose – and he is an incredible companion. People who have known me for a long time tell me, "It's great to see the ole Bobby is back!" In the short time we've been together ( only five months as I write this), he usually knows what I need before I do! When I'm out in public with him, eating in a restaurant, shopping in a grocery store, or wherever we may be, people constantly tell me they marvel at his abilities to help me, and they didn't even know he was there!  These are just a few examples of what he can do. 

Recon's trained abilities are phenomenal. In August 2021, we participated in Mutts with a Mission's 5K virtual event by hiking a New River Gorge National Park trail. I slipped on some large boulders and became stuck between them, and  I couldn't free myself due to my wrist and shoulder pain when I tried to push myself up.  My back was to Recon, and I tried to turn around to see him.  He started to come to me, and I feared he would slip and possibly be injured too, so I told him to stay, which he did, but he leaned forward in case I called him to me. 

I knew the only way to be rescued from my predicament was to send Recon to find help. I was initially afraid to send him for help because of all the woodland animal distractions in the park.  But, I realized he had performed all his other tasks flawlessly, so I knew I had to trust him and send him for help.  I gave him the command to "Go Get Help" and dropped his leash. At first, he perked up and intently looked at me. I gave him the command again, "Go Get Help," and he took off.  I had seen a lady walking ahead of us on the trail when we turned around at our halfway point.  While I knew the Mutts with a Mission training was tremendous, and Recon had never failed me, I had a little fear I wouldn't see him again. Shortly after sending him to get help, I heard a voice say, "I have your dog. Are you hurt?"  I don't know how far Recon ran to find help, but he came back with help just as he was trained to do! I will never doubt his abilities, and I will always trust him and his training!

Recon's explicit training assists me with mobility and stability, and his skills are exceptional. Knowing that his exceptional training is also to assist in a lifesaving situation puts him on a whole new level for me. He is the best-friend-therapy I needed.


Thank you for your support, 

Bobby Klepper & Recon

What better friend can you have than one who has saved your life!


USS George H.W. Bush (CVN-77) meeting Sully H.W. Bush - July 27, 2022


It's Time For A Puppy Shower!